Creating a Contact Form with FormMail

FormMail is a very popular script that you can put onto your website so that visitors can fill it out and have their response emailed directly to you.

NOTE: To help you set up FormMail on your website we have previously written a step-by-step guide to installing and configuring FormMail.

  1. Download the “compat” version of the NMS FormMail script.
  2. Un-zip the downloaded file and upload the script to your cgi-bin folder in your public_html folder.
  3. Next you will need to modify the file that was uploaded into your cgi-bin folder. First, you will need to change the @referersline (around line 47). Replace everything inside of the parentheses with your domain using the same formatting, once without the www and then a single space and again with the www.
  4. This is where you input any email addresses that the forms will send to. Make sure you remove localhost from both the @referers and the @allow_mail_to lines (around lines 47 and 48, respectively.) Once you have made these two changes, save the file.
  5. After adding the code to the page that you want the form on, you will need to point the action of the FORM tag to the FormMail.plscript inside the cgi-bin folder:<form action=”” method=”post”>

Next, inside of each of your forms you will need to include a few hidden input tags. They are detailed below:

<input type=”hidden” name=”recipient” value=”[email protected],[email protected]” />

This tag tells the form which email address to send the form to. Just make sure that this email is one of the addresses in your @allow_mail_to field

<input type=”hidden” name=”subject” value=”From the feedback form” />

This is a optional tag you can input into your form to specify the subject line of the email that gets delivered to you.

<input type=”hidden” name=”redirect” value=”https://www.your.domain/foo.html” />

This is another optional tag to specify where your users will be redirected to after they click the submit button.

Finally in order for FormMail to work you must set the permissions on the to 755.  This can be completed within your File Manager as well by right clicking on the file and selecting “change permissions.”

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