What is RDP?
RDP, or Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol Client is a windows-based software that allows connection to a terminal-server either via a local LAN connection or through remote connection via the internet.
Installing RDP
The following procedure details the steps necessary to install RDP.
Step One – Downloading RDP client to your PC
Before you can install RDP, you’ll need to download it onto your local computer. Follow these steps:
- First connect to the Internet
- Then follow this link to connect to the Microsoft RDP web page:
https://download.microsoft.com/download/whistler/tools/1.0/wxp/en-us/msrdpcli.exe - When the file download window appears – click on the Save button, browse to the desktop then click the save button again.
- The RDP client will start to download and should take approx. 10 minutes on a 56K modem connection.
Step Two – Installing RDP Client
To install the RDP client:
- Open Explorer (Right click on the Start menu and select Explore).
- Browse to the Desktop and then double click on the icon titled msrdpcli.exe
- Click the following buttons:
Next -> I Accept the terms…… -> Next -> Next -> Install -> Finish
Step Three – Load the Terminal Server Address
To load the terminal server address:
- Contact your Systems administrator and get the address of your terminal server. You will be issued with two addresses; one is the LAN address used to connect within your building. The second is the Internet address for connection via the Internet from any outside location.
- Start RDP. To do so, go to the Start menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> Communications -> Remote Desktop
- Once RDP has started, enter the appropriate address to the RDP Client address field, to the right of the word Computer.
Step Four – Connect to the Terminal Server
Lastly, you’ll need to connect to the terminal server. To do so:
- Connect to the Internet.
- Start RDP client as above
- Ensure that you have the correct address loaded to the right of the word Computer
- Click on connect
After a brief delay you should get a Windows login box. After logging in to the Terminal Server, you’re free to start working!
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