How To Redirect Your Domain To A Subfolder Using htaccess

In this tutorial, we are going to show you a simple way to redirect your primary domain to a subfolder on that domain. For the purposes of this tutorial, it will redirect to a subfolder at /blog.

This is useful if your WordPress blog is installed to a subfolder and you want the main domain to forward to it.

In your public_html folder (also called the “root directory” or “document root”), you need to create a file called .htaccess. You can do so by using the File Manager in cPanel.

From this file, we are going to use a few lines to redirect those requests in a search engine friendly way.

Add the following lines to that file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?$
RewriteRule ^(/)?$ blog [L]

The only change you need to make is to change “” to your domain. This will then redirect everything from the domain to the folder /blog at that domain. If you want to change that folder just edit the “blog” part.

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