Can resellers set their own LVE Limits?

As a reseller, you have the ability to offer different levels of CloudLinux limits to your cPanel accounts. This allows you to better control how many resources each account can use.

Start-up ResellerPro ResellerUltimate Reseller
RAM per cPanel2GB2GB4GB
CPU per cPanel2 vCPU2 vCPU2 vCPU
Entry Processes303030
LVE ManagerDisabledDisabledEnabled

As a reseller, you have the ability to modify account limits within the LVE Manager.

LVE Manager

This is an Ultimate Reseller-only feature that allows you to set limits per cPanel account. Please note that the maximum limit you can set per cPanel is 4GB (your package limit). If you attempt to set the limit higher, it will be automatically reverted back to 4GB.

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