Ultimate Guide 2024: WordPress Development with Symlinks: Yay or Nah?


Discover comprehensive insights on managing WordPress development with symlinks, including the benefits, best practices, and security risks. Learn how to mitigate symlink security risks and decide if using symlinks is the right choice for your WordPress projects.

WordPress, one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world, offers immense flexibility and functionality for web developers. However, managing a complex WordPress development environment can sometimes be challenging. This is where symbolic links, or symlinks, come into play. Symlinks can significantly simplify your WordPress development workflow by allowing you to create shortcuts to directories and files, making it easier to manage multiple environments, plugins, themes, and more.

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In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what symlinks are, how they work, and how you can effectively use them in your WordPress development process. We will also cover practical examples, common pitfalls, and best practices to ensure you get the most out of using symlinks in your development workflow.

Managing WordPress Development with Symlinks (Expert Guide 2024)

Table of Contents

WordPress Development with Symlinks

What Are Symlinks?

Symbolic links, commonly referred to as symlinks, are special types of files that act as pointers to other files or directories. Unlike hard links, which directly link to the data on the storage device, symlinks are more like shortcuts that reference the path of another file or directory. This makes symlinks highly versatile for managing and organizing files across different locations without duplicating data.

Types of Symlinks

There are two primary types of links you can create in a filesystem:

1. Soft Links (Symbolic Links): These are more flexible and can span across different filesystems. They act as shortcuts and can point to files or directories.
2. Hard Links: These directly link to the data and cannot span different filesystems. Hard links are less common and are typically used within the same filesystem.

Benefits of Using Symlinks

  • Efficiency: Symlinks reduce redundancy by allowing you to reference the same file or directory from multiple locations without copying the data.
  • Organization: They help in organizing your project structure, especially when dealing with shared resources like themes and plugins.
  • Flexibility: Symlinks make it easy to switch between different versions of files or directories, which is particularly useful in a development environment.

Setting Up Symlinks in WordPress Development

To leverage symlinks in your WordPress development, you need to understand how to create and manage them. This involves using command-line tools and understanding the directory structure of your WordPress installation.


  • A working knowledge of the command line (Terminal for macOS/Linux, Command Prompt or PowerShell for Windows).
  • Proper permissions to create and manage files on your system.
  • A basic understanding of your WordPress file structure.
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Creating Symlinks

The process of creating symlinks varies slightly between different operating systems. Here’s how you can create symlinks on the most common platforms:

On macOS and Linux

To create a symlink, you can use the ln command. The syntax is as follows:

ln -s /path/to/target /path/to/symlink

For example, to create a symlink for a plugin directory:

ln -s /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/my-plugin /Users/yourname/projects/my-plugin

On Windows

On Windows, you can use the mklink command in Command Prompt or PowerShell. The syntax is:

mklink /D \path\to\symlink \path\to\target

For example, to create a symlink for a theme directory:

mklink /D C:\path\to\symlink C:\path\to\target

Practical Applications of Symlinks in WordPress

Symlinks can be used in various ways to streamline WordPress development. Here are some practical applications:

Managing Plugins and Themes

One of the most common uses of symlinks in WordPress development is to manage plugins and themes. Instead of copying plugin or theme directories into the wp-content folder, you can create symlinks to these directories. This makes it easier to update and maintain shared resources across multiple WordPress installations.

Example: Sharing a Theme Across Multiple Sites

Suppose you are developing a custom theme that you want to use across several WordPress sites. Instead of copying the theme folder to each site, you can create a symlink:

ln -s /path/to/shared/theme /var/www/site1/wp-content/themes/my-theme
ln -s /path/to/shared/theme /var/www/site2/wp-content/themes/my-theme
ln -s /path/to/shared/theme /var/www/site3/wp-content/themes/my-theme

This way, any changes you make to the theme will be reflected across all sites, simplifying maintenance and updates.

Organizing Development Environments

When working on multiple projects, you might have several development environments. Symlinks can help you organize and manage these environments more efficiently.

Example: Symlinking Config Files

Suppose you have different configuration files for your development, staging, and production environments. You can create symlinks to switch between these configurations easily:

ln -s /path/to/configs/wp-config-dev.php /var/www/html/wp-config.php
ln -s /path/to/configs/wp-config-staging.php /var/www/html/wp-config.php
ln -s /path/to/configs/wp-config-production.php /var/www/html/wp-config.php

This allows you to quickly switch configurations without manually copying and renaming files.

Advanced Symlink Techniques

In addition to basic symlink usage, there are several advanced techniques that can further enhance your WordPress development workflow.

Version Control with Symlinks

If you are using version control systems like Git, symlinks can help manage dependencies and shared resources more effectively.

Example: Symlinking Dependencies

Suppose you are working on a WordPress plugin that relies on several external libraries. Instead of including these libraries directly in your plugin repository, you can use symlinks to reference them from a central location:

ln -s /path/to/libraries/library1 /path/to/plugin/vendor/library1
ln -s /path/to/libraries/library2 /path/to/plugin/vendor/library2

This keeps your repository clean and ensures that all projects using the same libraries stay up-to-date.

Docker and Symlinks

Docker has become a popular tool for managing development environments. Symlinks can be particularly useful when working with Docker, as they allow you to share resources between your local filesystem and Docker containers.

Example: Sharing Local Code with a Docker Container

Suppose you have a Docker container running WordPress, and you want to develop a plugin locally. You can create a symlink to your local plugin directory inside the Docker container:

1. Start your Docker container with a volume mount:

docker run -v /path/to/local/plugins:/var/www/html/wp-content/plugins -d wordpress

2. Create a symlink to your local plugin directory inside the container:

docker exec -it container_id ln -s /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/local-plugin /path/to/local/plugins/local-plugin

This setup allows you to edit your plugin locally while testing it inside the Docker container.

Automating Symlink Creation

To streamline your workflow, you can automate the creation of symlinks using scripts. This is particularly useful when setting up new development environments or deploying projects.

Example: Bash Script for Symlink Creation

Here’s a simple bash script to create symlinks for a WordPress project:


# Directories

# Create symlinks for plugins
ln -s /path/to/shared/plugins/plugin1 $PLUGIN_DIR/plugin1
ln -s /path/to/shared/plugins/plugin2 $PLUGIN_DIR/plugin2

# Create symlinks for themes
ln -s /path/to/shared/themes/theme1 $THEME_DIR/theme1
ln -s /path/to/shared/themes/theme2 $THEME_DIR/theme2

echo "Symlinks created successfully."

You can run this script whenever you need to set up symlinks for a new project, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

While symlinks are powerful tools, they come with some potential pitfalls. Understanding these challenges and how to avoid them will ensure a smoother development experience.

Permission Issues

Symlinks require appropriate permissions to create and manage. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to avoid errors.


Use sudo to create symlinks if you encounter permission issues:

sudo ln -s /path/to/target /path/to/symlink

Broken Symlinks

If the target file or directory of a symlink is moved or deleted, the symlink will break, leading to errors.

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Regularly check your symlinks to ensure they are still valid. You can use the find command to identify broken symlinks:

find /path/to/check -xtype l

Version Control Conflicts

Symlinks can sometimes cause conflicts in version control systems, especially if team members use different operating systems.


Establish clear guidelines for using symlinks in your projects and ensure all team members follow these guidelines. Additionally, consider using platform-independent tools like Docker to manage development environments.

Best Practices for Using Symlinks in WordPress Development

To get the most out of symlinks in your WordPress development, follow these best practices:

Use Relative Paths

Using relative paths instead of absolute paths ensures that your symlinks remain intact even when the directory structure changes. This is particularly useful in collaborative environments or when you need to move your project across different systems.

For example, if your WordPress installation is located in /var/www/html/wordpress and your shared plugins are in /var/www/shared/plugins, you can create a relative symlink like this:

ln -s ../../shared/plugins/plugin1 wp-content/plugins/plugin1

Organize Shared Resources

Keep all shared resources such as themes, plugins, and configuration files in a dedicated directory. This makes it easier to manage and update these resources without having to hunt through multiple directories.

Example Directory Structure

├── plugins/
│ ├── plugin1/
│ └── plugin2/
├── themes/
│ ├── theme1/
│ └── theme2/
└── configs/
├── wp-config-dev.php
├── wp-config-staging.php
└── wp-config-production.php

Document Your Symlinks

Maintain clear documentation of all the symlinks used in your project. This can be in the form of a README file or an internal wiki. Include the purpose of each symlink and any relevant instructions for creating or updating them.

Automate with Build Tools

Incorporate symlink creation into your build process using tools like Gulp, Grunt, or custom scripts. This ensures that symlinks are consistently created and maintained across different environments and deployment stages.

Example: Gulp Task for Symlinks

Here’s an example of how you can use Gulp to automate symlink creation:

const gulp = require('gulp');
const symlink = require('gulp-symlink');

gulp.task('create-symlinks', function () {
return gulp.src('/path/to/shared/plugins/*')
.pipe(symlink('/path/to/wordpress/wp-content/plugins', {force: true}));

gulp.task('default', gulp.series('create-symlinks'));

Monitor and Maintain Symlinks

Regularly check the integrity of your symlinks to ensure they are still pointing to valid targets. Use automated monitoring tools or scripts to alert you if any symlinks become broken.

Example: Shell Script for Checking Broken Symlinks


# Directory to check

# Find broken symlinks
find $DIR -xtype l

# Check if any broken symlinks were found
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No broken symlinks found."
echo "Broken symlinks detected. Please review the output above."

Case Study: Leveraging Symlinks for a Large-Scale WordPress Project

To illustrate the practical benefits of using symlinks in a real-world scenario, let’s consider a case study of a large-scale WordPress project. This project involves multiple developers, several environments (development, staging, production), and a complex setup of custom themes and plugins.

Project Overview

  • Project Name: MegaCorp Website
  • Team Size: 10 developers
  • Environments: Development, Staging, Production
  • Components: 3 custom themes, 10 custom plugins, shared configuration files

Initial Challenges

Before adopting symlinks, the MegaCorp development team faced several challenges:

  • Redundancy: Developers were duplicating themes and plugins across multiple environments, leading to inconsistencies.
  • Maintenance: Updating a theme or plugin required manual updates in every environment, increasing the risk of errors.
  • Onboarding: New developers found it difficult to set up their local environments due to the complex directory structure and numerous dependencies.

Implementing Symlinks

To address these challenges, the team decided to leverage symlinks for better management of shared resources. Here’s how they implemented symlinks:

Step 1: Organize Shared Resources

The team consolidated all shared themes, plugins, and configuration files into a central repository:

├── shared/
│ ├── plugins/
│ │ ├── plugin1/
│ │ ├── plugin2/
│ │ ├── ...
│ ├── themes/
│ │ ├── theme1/
│ │ ├── theme2/
│ │ ├── ...
│ └── configs/
│ ├── wp-config-dev.php
│ ├── wp-config-staging.php
│ └── wp-config-production.php
└── projects/
├── site1/
│ └── wp-content/
│ ├── plugins/ -> /var/www/megacorp/shared/plugins
│ └── themes/ -> /var/www/megacorp/shared/themes
├── site2/
│ └── wp-content/
│ ├── plugins/ -> /var/www/megacorp/shared/plugins
│ └── themes/ -> /var/www/megacorp/shared/themes
└── site3/
└── wp-content/
├── plugins/ -> /var/www/megacorp/shared/plugins
└── themes/ -> /var/www/megacorp/shared/themes

Step 2: Create Symlinks

Using a combination of bash scripts and automated build tools, the team created symlinks for each project’s wp-content directory:

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# Create symlinks for plugins and themes
ln -s /var/www/megacorp/shared/plugins /var/www/megacorp/projects/site1/wp-content/plugins
ln -s /var/www/megacorp/shared/themes /var/www/megacorp/projects/site1/wp-content/themes

ln -s /var/www/megacorp/shared/plugins /var/www/megacorp/projects/site2/wp-content/plugins
ln -s /var/www/megacorp/shared/themes /var/www/megacorp/projects/site2/wp-content/themes

ln -s /var/www/megacorp/shared/plugins /var/www/megacorp/projects/site3/wp-content/plugins
ln -s /var/www/megacorp/shared/themes /var/www/megacorp/projects/site3/wp-content/themes

Step 3: Automate Environment Setup

The team created a setup script to automate the environment setup for new developers. This script cloned the central repository, created the necessary symlinks, and set up local configurations:


# Clone the central repository
git clone https://github.com/megacorp/shared /var/www/megacorp

# Create symlinks for each project
for project in /var/www/megacorp/projects/*; do
ln -s /var/www/megacorp/shared/plugins $project/wp-content/plugins
ln -s /var/www/megacorp/shared/themes $project/wp-content/themes

echo "Environment setup complete."

Results and Benefits

After implementing symlinks, the MegaCorp development team experienced several benefits:

  • Reduced Redundancy: Shared themes and plugins were managed centrally, eliminating duplication and ensuring consistency across environments.
  • Simplified Maintenance: Updating a theme or plugin in the central repository automatically propagated changes to all environments.
  • Streamlined Onboarding: New developers could set up their local environments quickly and easily using the setup script.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Team members could work on shared resources without interfering with each other’s environments, leading to smoother collaboration and fewer conflicts.

Security Risks of Symlinks and How to Patch Them

Symlinks (symbolic links) can greatly enhance the efficiency and flexibility of managing files in a WordPress development environment. However, they come with their own set of security risks. Understanding these risks and knowing how to mitigate them is crucial to maintaining a secure development environment.

Security Risks of Symlinks

1. Symlink Attack (Symlink Race)

One of the most notable security risks associated with symlinks is the symlink attack, also known as a symlink race. This occurs when an attacker creates a symlink that points to a sensitive file or directory, tricking an application into performing actions on that file or directory. For instance, if a web server follows a malicious symlink, it might unintentionally expose sensitive data or overwrite critical files.

2. Privilege Escalation

Symlink attacks can also lead to privilege escalation. If an attacker can create a symlink pointing to a file owned by a higher-privileged user, operations intended for the symlink target could be executed with elevated privileges, compromising the system’s security.

3. Unauthorized Access

Improperly configured symlinks can inadvertently expose sensitive directories or files. If a symlink points to a location that is not intended to be accessible, unauthorized users might gain access to restricted data.

4. Data Corruption

Symlinks can lead to data corruption if not carefully managed. For instance, if a symlink points to a critical configuration file and is accidentally modified or deleted, it can cause system failures or data loss.

How to Patch and Mitigate Symlink Security Risks

1. Use Safe Directory and File Permissions

Ensure that directory and file permissions are set correctly to prevent unauthorized users from creating or modifying symlinks. Use the principle of least privilege, granting only the necessary permissions to users and applications.

chmod 755 /secure/directory
chmod 644 /secure/directory/file

2. Validate Symlinks

Before following a symlink, validate that it points to a safe and expected location. This can be done by checking the target of the symlink and ensuring it falls within an allowed directory.

3. Use Secure Coding Practices

Developers should use secure coding practices to handle symlinks properly. Avoid following symlinks blindly and implement checks to ensure the symlink points to legitimate files or directories.

4. Containerization

Use containerization (e.g., Docker) to isolate applications and their dependencies. This reduces the impact of a potential symlink attack by containing it within the scope of the container.

5. Regular Audits

Conduct regular audits of your filesystem to identify and manage symlinks. Tools like find can help locate symlinks and ensure they point to the correct locations.

find / -type l -ls

6. Implement Security Policies

Implement security policies that restrict the creation of symlinks by unauthorized users. This can be done using tools like AppArmor or SELinux, which provide mandatory access controls to prevent unauthorized actions.

7. Monitor and Log Symlink Activities

Set up monitoring and logging to track symlink creation and modification activities. This helps in identifying suspicious behavior and responding to potential security incidents promptly.

Recommendations on Using Symlinks

Use Symlinks With Caution

Symlinks can be extremely useful for managing shared resources and simplifying complex directory structures. However, they should be used with caution. Ensure that you understand the security implications and implement the necessary safeguards to mitigate risks.

Not Suitable for All Environments

In highly sensitive or high-security environments, it might be advisable to avoid using symlinks altogether. The potential risks might outweigh the benefits, and other methods of managing files and directories should be considered.

Employ Best Practices

If you decide to use symlinks, always follow best practices. Ensure proper permissions, validate symlink targets, and regularly audit your symlink usage. Combining these practices with robust security policies and monitoring will help mitigate the associated risks.


Symlinks offer significant advantages in managing WordPress development environments but come with inherent security risks. By understanding these risks and implementing appropriate mitigation strategies, you can safely incorporate symlinks into your workflow. Always weigh the benefits against the potential security implications, and consider the specific needs and security posture of your environment before using symlinks.

Whether you are managing plugins, themes, configuration files, or complex multi-site setups, symlinks can significantly improve your development process. By following the best practices and techniques outlined in this guide, you can effectively use symlinks to optimize your WordPress development workflow and achieve greater efficiency and productivity.

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About the author

Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at Zalvis Blog is a team of WordPress experts with over 7 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2017, Zalvis Blog is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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